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Does OpenSSL allow multiple SSL_CTX per process, one SSL_CTX used for server sessions and the other SSL_CTX for client sessions?

I have a Linux process that needs to act as an SSL server (accept and service connections from other clients) but also needs to - in the same process - initiate client sessions with other SSL servers.

I intend to create two separate SSL_CTX handles using two SSL_CTX_new() function calls, one invoked with server methods and the other with client methods. Is such dual-use of OpenSSL within a single process supported? My hope is that OpenSSL uses the SSL_CTX handle - and does not rely on global or static local variables - for all context information it may need to create and service new sessions. Is this a good assumption?


  • From my experience: you can freely create several contexts as long as you properly initialized OpenSSL library. I have used two different contexts in the same application with no problems after having set up threading locks as described in OpenSSL man page: If your app doesn't use threads you won't need such setup at all.