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Chromecast new Cast.Api()

I just started using Chromecast SDK today and got bit confused with its APIs and samples given in the web.

What I am trying to do is to send some messages to the Chromecast so it will display them on the big screen. I am going to use Chrome API with HTML5/JS/CSS.

Most examples ( , in the web uses new Cast.Api() in the sender and uses an Activity in doing so. But I could not find a reference to a Cast.Api in the Chrome API. Most Google references deal with Media and I am not sure whether I have to use them. So to sum up, following are the questions I have (Sorry! I did read the API and developer guide but I am still clueless).

  1. Do I have to write a custom receiver to show text on TV screen. Can't I survive default receiver,
  2. Is handling multimedia files different from displaying text on the Chromecast or can I set the mime type to text/html and send a text stream (doesn't work for me at the moment)
  3. Are those examples on the web uses a deprecated way of sending data to chromecast?

Thanks in advance, Ish


  • Ok I think I found the answer from following documents,

    Will try them and let you all know!

    Following example page is very useful for anyone who try writing chromecast apps