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Post receive pull hook on gitblit server

I need to set up post-receive hook script on Gitblit server that will pull changes to a website on the same server. In a bash script, command would look something like this:

sudo git --work-tree=/var/www/html/mysite --git-dir=/var/www/html/mysite/.git pull

But as I understand, Gitblit uses groovy hooks scripts, and I'm completely new to this. Can someone please help me with creating a groovy script for this, or at least direct me to some good examples or tutorial for Groovy.



  • In case someone needs help with groovy, here is my groovy script:

    import org.slf4j.Logger
    def res = ["git", "--work-tree=/var/www/html/mysite", "--git-dir=/var/www/html/mysite/.git", "pull"].execute()
    println res.err.text
    println res.text