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With Windows 2008 R2 how do I audit when an user is added and removed from a local group?

I want to keep an audit when I remove or add users from local groups. Is it possible to filter out which groups? If not, all local groups is fine.


  • You're basically looking for two events in the Security eventlog.

    • 4732 A member was added to a security-enabled local group.
    • 4733 A member was removed from a security-enabled local group.

    When using the following commandline you get a new instance of the eventviewer filtered on those two events.

    eventvwr /f:"<QueryList><Query Id='0' Path='Security'><Select Path='Security'>*[System[(EventID=4732 or EventID=4733)]]</Select></Query></QueryList>"

    An other option is to use the WMIC tool from the commandline (make sure you are using an elevated commandprompt)

    wmic ntevent where "LogFile='security' and (EventIdentifier=4732 or EventIdentifier=4733)"

    Do notice that this uses Win32_NTLogEvent internally and I had to use the /trace:on switch to figure out the correct syntax for the where clause.
    Use the optional /record:filename.xml to store the results in an xml file or simply redirect the output to a csv file.

    One other option you have is to use powershell:

    get-eventlog -logname security | where {$_.InstanceId -eq 4732 -or $_.InstanceId -eq 4733} 

    Last one I povide is by writing a small c# program that uses the EventLog class

    var list = new EventLog { Log = "Security" }
                .Where(evl => evl.InstanceId == 4732 || evl.InstanceId == 4733)
                .Select(cv => cv.Message);
    foreach (var msg in list)

    Take your pick