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Why the same Access Token works for Media but doesn't work for Feed?

I'm using InstaSharp to get all medias from my account. This code works without any error:

 var user = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Media.Authenticated(config, authInfo);
 var media = user.Popular();

Now if I do the same with Users:

var user = new InstaSharp.Endpoints.Users.Authenticated(config, authInfo);
var feed = user.Feed("self");

This returns:

OAuthParameterException: The access_token provided is invalid.

Why the same access token works in one place but doesn't work in another?

Note: I'm passing all scopes (basic, comments, likes, relationships) while getting the access token.I have also tried with default (basic) and it didn't work either.

Note2: Since I'm trying this in a ConsoleApplication, the way I'm getting the access token is, generate the link, copy/paste to the browser, confirm the authorization and get it from url. I'm not sure it makes any difference but it's worth noting...


  • I figure out the problem. It seems that the generated link was requesting code, not access_token.So that's why it was invalid.

    And I realized that I was using older version of InstaSharp even though I downloaded it from it's website. First, I installed the latest version via NuGet. Then, I get the access token and the media like this:

    var config = new InstagramConfig(clientId, clientSecret);
    var AuthLink = OAuth.AuthLink(config.OAuthUri + "/authorize", 
    var authInfo = new OAuth(config);
    // get the code from the link then pass it to RequestToken
    var response = await authInfo.RequestToken(code);
    var user = new Users(config, response);
    var media = await user.RecentSelf(count: 30);

    And all worked very well.