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Recommended way to get Activity inside Mortar screen?

I am using Mortar and Flow to power my app. If I have the following View:

public class MyView extends LinearLayout {
  @Inject MyScreen.Presenter presenter;
  private EditText someText;

  public MyView(Context context) {
    Mortar.inject(context, this);

  @Override protected void onFinishInflate() {


  @Override protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {

And the following screen:

public class MyScreen implements Blueprint {
  @Override public String getMortarScopeName() {
    return getClass().getName();

  @Override public Object getDaggerModule() {
    return new Module();

  @dagger.Module(injects = MyView.class, addsTo = MyActivity.Module.class)
  public class Module {

  public class Presenter extends ViewPresenter<MyView> {
    private final SomeAsyncService service;

    Presenter() { }

    @Override public void onLoad(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    @Override public void onSave(Bundle outState) {


Now I would like to get access to Activity which is using this Screen and View. I would to have access to some of the Activity methods like:



I have tried to cast a Context like this inside my Screen:

Activity activity = (Activity)getView.getContext;

But this of course throws the following exception:

java.lang.ClassCastException: mortar.MortarContextWrapper cannot be cast to

How to get that activity? Thank you.


  • Not for sure, but Mortar is not recommended to use activity instance directly ?

    This mortal sample is helpful. So, I implemented as follows.

    class WindowOwner extends Presenter<WindowOwner.Activity> {
        interface Activity {
            void addFragsToWindow(int flags);
        public static class Config() {
            final private int flags;
            Config(int flags) { this.flags = flags; }
            public int getFlags() { return this.flags; }
        private Config config;
        public void setConfig(Config config) {
            this.config = config;
        private void update() {
             WindowOwner.Activity activity = getView();
             if (activity != null) {
        @dagger.Module(injects = {}, library = true)
        public static class WindowOwnerModule {
             WindowOwner provideWindowOwnerPersenter() { return new WindowOwner(); }

    You define a WindowOwner.Module , and include of this class to your module like this.

    @Module(injects = {}, library = true)
    public class AndroidModule {
        // WindowOwner provider
        SystemBarOwner provideWindowOwnerPersenter() {
            return new WindowOwner();
            includes = {
                AndroidModule.class, // Includes your modules
            injects = {
            library = true
    public final class MainModule {
        private final MainApplication mApplication;
        public MainModule(MainApplication application) {
            mApplication = application;
        Application provideApplication() {
            return mApplication;

    And you implement Activivty like follows.

     class AwesomeActivity extends Activity implements WindowOwner.Activity {
          @Inject WindowOwner windowOwner;
          protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
              Mortar.inject(this, this);
          void addFragsToWindow(int flags) {

    You can be used via WindowOwner

    public class AwesomeScreen implements Blueprint {
        public String getMortarScopeName() {
            return getClass().getName();
        public Object getDaggerModule() {
            return new Module(getViewState());
                injects = {
                        AwesomeView.class // inject your view
                addsTo = MainModule.class,
                library = true
        public static class Module {
        public static class Presenter extends ViewPresenter<AwesomeView> {
             private final WindowOwner windowOwner;
             Presenter(WindowOwner windowOwner) {
                 this.windowOwner = systemBarOwner;
             protected void onEnterScope(MortarScope scope) {
                 // Update window flags via WindowOwner.Config
                 this.windowOwner.setConfig(new WindowOwner.Config(YOUR_FLAGS));