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VHDL 3xor gates in one using struct

I wanted to implement 3xor gates, the output from the first two xor gates should be the input for the last xor gate

             xor3----> final output

Here's my code, I'm not sure if what i've done so far is ok and I think i have to declare the arch. when i do the mod. thingys? Cheers for the help!

 library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

    architecture struct of triplexor is
    component unit10
    port (a0, a1: in bit; o1: out bit); --xor1
    end component;
    architecture func of unit10 is 
       o1 <= a0 xor a1;
    end func;
    component unit11
    port (a2, a3: in bit; o2: out bit); --xor2
    end component;
    architecture func of unit11 is 
       o2 <= a2 xor a3;
    end func;
    component unit2
    port (i1, i2: in bit; yi: out bit); --xor3
    end component;
    architecture func of unit2 is 
       yi <= i1 xor i2;
    end func;
    signal ya, yb, yout: bit;

    mod_unit10: unit10 port map (a, b, ya);
    mod_unit11: unit11 port map (a, b, yb);
    mod_unit2 : unit2 port map (ya, yb, yout);
    output: y<=yout; 
    end architecture struct;


  • Here is your code with just 3 instances of the same component:

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
    entity triplexor ...
    end entity;
    architecture struct of triplexor is
      component myXor
        port (
          i0, i0: in  bit;
          o:      out bit
      end component;
      architecture rtl of myXor is 
        o <= i0 xor i1;
      end rtl;
      signal ya, yb, yout: bit;
      -- using port mapping by position
      inst_xor1: myXor
        port map (
          a, b,
      inst_xor2: myXor
        port map (
          a, b,
      -- using port mapping by name (I prefer this style - it's safer if someone changes a port list)
      inst_xor3: myXor
        port map (
          i0 => ya,
          i1 => yb,
          o =>  yout
      y <= yout; 
    end architecture struct;