I have a few hundred files, each a between 10s of MB and a few GB in size, and I'd like to estimate the number of lines (i.e. an exact count is not needed). Each line is very regular, for example something like 4 long ints and 5 double floats.
I tried to find the average size of the first AVE_OVER
lines in a file, then use that to estimate the total number of lines:
nums = sum(1 for line in open(files[0]))
print "Number of lines = ", nums
lineSize = 0.0
count = 0
for line in open(files[0]):
lineSize += sys.getsizeof(line)
count += 1
if( count >= AVE_OVER ): break
lineSize /= count
fileSize = os.path.getsize(files[0])
numLines = fileSize/lineSize
print "Estimated number of lines = ", numLines
The estimate was way off:
> Number of lines = 505235
> Estimated number of lines = 324604.165863
So I tried counting the total size of all lines in the file, compared to the sys
measured size:
fileSize = os.path.getsize(files[0])
totalLineSize = 0.0
for line in open(files[0]):
totalLineSize += sys.getsizeof(line)
print "File size = %.3e" % (fileSize)
print "Total Line Size = %.3e" % (totalLineSize)
But again these are discrepant!
> File size = 3.366e+07
> Total Line Size = 5.236e+07
Why is the sum of sizes of each lines so much larger than the actual total file size? How can I correct for this?
def estimateLines(files):
""" Estimate the number of lines in the given file(s) """
if( not np.iterable(files) ): files = [files]
# Get total size of all files
numLines = sum( os.path.getsize(fil) for fil in files )
with open(files[0], 'rb') as file:
buf = file.read(LEARN_SIZE)
numLines /= (len(buf) // buf.count(b'\n'))
return numLines
To estimate number of lines in a file:
def line_size_hint(filename, learn_size=1<<13):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
buf = file.read(learn_size)
return len(buf) // buf.count(b'\n')
number_of_lines_approx = os.path.getsize(filename) // line_size_hint(filename)
To find the exact number of lines, you could use wc-l.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from functools import partial
print(sum(chunk.count('\n') for chunk in iter(partial(sys.stdin.read, 1 << 15), '')))