I am implementing an existing WSDL that uses separate namespaces for messages and types.
<message name="searchDetailRequest">
<part element="ixa:searchDetail" name="body" />
<message name="searchDetailResponse">
<part element="ixa:searchDetailResponse" name="result" />
<operation name="searchDetail">
<input message="tns:searchDetailRequest" />
<output message="tns:searchDetailResponse" />
I have tried to do something like this to represent the different namespaces:
class RXIType(ComplexModel):
__namespace__ = 'urn:badger/ixa'
class searchDetailRequest(RXIType):
intput = Unicode()
class searchDetailResponse(RXIType):
output = Unicode()
class TestService(ServiceBase):
@rpc(searchDetailRequest, _returns=searchDetailResponse, _body_style='bare')
def searchDetail(cls, body):
soap = Application((TestService,),
Which generates an exception when I try to run it:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./manage.py", line 14, in <module>
from soapbridge import app
File "/home/danni/src/GIT/s2x-hsnet-soap-bridge/soapbridge/__init__.py", line 52, in <module>
File "/home/danni/src/GIT/s2x-hsnet-soap-bridge/python_env/src/spyne/spyne/application.py", line 111, in __init__
File "/home/danni/src/GIT/s2x-hsnet-soap-bridge/python_env/src/spyne/spyne/protocol/xml.py", line 324, in set_app
File "/home/danni/src/GIT/s2x-hsnet-soap-bridge/python_env/src/spyne/spyne/interface/xml_schema/_base.py", line 221, in build_validation_schema
self.validation_schema = etree.XMLSchema(etree.parse(f))
File "xmlschema.pxi", line 90, in lxml.etree.XMLSchema.__init__ (src/lxml/lxml.etree.c:174715)
lxml.etree.XMLSchemaParseError: Element '{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}element', attribute 'type': References from this schema to components in the namespace 'urn:badger' are not allowed, since not indicated by an import statement., line 9
The logging output tells me this is an error in Spyne... help please!
This is indeed a bug, already fixed in master waiting for release. If you can't wait, do:
pip install -e git://github.com/arskom/spyne.git@60ed622b088c13f4f84c81f1f43302edbc7f6027#egg=spyne
and the problem will go away