I am new to the Dojo Toolkit. I'm getting the error
Tried to register widget with id=myButton but that id is already registered
whenever I try to load dojo content twice (meaning I load HTML content through jQuery.Load into a container div). Is there a way of unregistering already registered widgets in dojo? I've seen some examples, but I don't really get them working.
My button:
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="myButton">button</button>
If you're looking to unregister specific widgets, you can use their destroy()
or destroyRecursive()
methods. The second one destroys any widgets inside the one you are destroying (i.e. calling destroyRecursive on a form widget will also destroy all the form components).
In your case, it sounds like your best bet would be to do this before jQuery.load
var widgets = dijit.findWidgets(<containerDiv>);
dojo.forEach(widgets, function(w) {
The above code will unregister all widgets in <containerDiv>
, and preserve their associated DOM Nodes. To destroy the DOM nodes, pass false
to destroyRecursive