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Check if date already exists in another time period

I have a page where an admin can create new periods of time. Now when the admin wants to add a new period I would like to check if there isn't another period already.

This is my current code, but I guess <= and >= don't work like they should in doctrine?

$formMapper->getFormBuilder()->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SUBMIT, function(FormEvent $event) {
  try {
    $from = str_replace('/', '-', $event->getData()['from']);
    $to = str_replace('/', '-', $event->getData()['to']);

    $dateFrom = new \DateTime($from, new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
    $dateFrom = $dateFrom->format('Y-d-m');

    $dateTo = new \DateTime($to, new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
    $dateTo = $dateTo->format('Y-d-m');

    $query = $this->getModelManager()->createQuery('PeriodeBundle:Periode', 'p');

      ->where(':from = p.from')
      ->andWhere(':to =')
      ->setParameter('from', $dateFrom)
      ->setParameter('to', $dateTo);

    $data = $query->execute();

    if (count($data) > 0) {
      $event->getForm()->addError(new FormError('This period overwrites another existing period ('
         . $data[0]->getFrom()->format('d/m/Y') . ' to '
         . $data[0]->getTo()->format('d/m/Y') . ')'));
  } catch (\Exception $e) {
      $event->getForm()->addError(new FormError('Date not valid'));


In my database I have several periods simplified like this: period_id, from, to

Can someone point me in the right direction? My data is NULL when I create a period which already exist, and when I add a period in the far future it gives me a result of all rows. I read about lte and gte but I dont quite know how to integrate that in this code.

This code is in my Admin of my PeriodBundle.


  • I don't know how Sonata works with forms, but I think you should use validation constraint instead of listener.. Here is a usual form example:

    private $em;
    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em)
        $this->em = $em;
    public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
                'constraints' => array(
                    new Callback(
                        array('callback' => array($this, 'validateForm'))
    public function validateForm(MyEntity $myEntity, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
        $valid = true;
        $from = str_replace('/', '-', $myEntity->etFrom());
        $to = str_replace('/', '-', $myEntity->getTo());
        $dateFrom = new \DateTime($from, new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
        $dateFrom = $dateFrom->format('Y-d-m');
        $dateTo = new \DateTime($to, new \DateTimeZone('Europe/Amsterdam'));
        $dateTo = $dateTo->format('Y-d-m');
        $queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
        $query = $queryBuilder
            ->from('PeriodeBundle:Periode', 'p')
            ->where($queryBuilder->expr()->gte('p.from', ':from'))
            ->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->lte('', ':to'))
                'from' => $dateFrom,
                'to' => $dateTo
        $data = $query->getArrayResult();
        if (count($data) > 0) {
          $valid = false;
        // ....
        if (!$valid) {