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Laravel how to redirect back to boostrap modal dialog window

I want to return to my modal dialog edit form to show validation errors but using Redirect::back I just end up at the HTML page without the modal window.

I use BootstrapDialog to load my attendee.edit route into a modal dialog to that pops up an edit form.


<td>{{link_to_route('attendee.edit','',array($attendee->id), array(
        'class'=>'edit-attendee btn btn-info btn-xs glyphicon glyphicon-pencil',
        'data-title' => 'Edit Attendee'))}} 

JQuery call to BootstrapDialog

        url = $(this).attr('href');{
            title: $(this).data('title'),
            message: $('<div></div>').load(url),
            buttons: [{
                label: 'Update',
                action: function(dialogRef) {


public function update($id)
    $attendee = Attendee::findOrFail($id);

    $validator = Validator::make($data = Input::all(), Attendee::$rules);

    if ($validator->fails())
        return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();


    return Redirect::route('attendees.index');

After I edit the form I want to return to the modal window to display validation errors but I just end up at the HTML page without the dialog. How do I redirect back to the modal window?


added id to controller return

return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput()->with('id', $id);

Added Jquery


            url = "{{ URL('attendee') . '/' . Session::get('id'). '/edit' }}";
                title: $(this).data('title'),
                message: $('<div></div>').load(url),
                buttons: [{
                    label: 'Update',
                    action: function(dialogRef) {


This reopens the modal window if there was an error but proceeds back if not. I don't like how it closes and reopens the modal and the validation errors are not passed to the modal so I would not recommend doing it this way.


  • I just did something like this. You just need to use blade's templating!

    //pass back a variable when redirecting
    return Redirect::back()->with('error_code', 5);

    And then in your blade template:

    @if(!empty(Session::get('error_code')) && Session::get('error_code') == 5)
    $(function() {

    This will opens the dialog whenever there is error_code is present and equals to 5!