According to sec. 3.9.3 of The SMT-LIBv2 Language and Tools: A Tutorial it is possible to declare a composite sort like this in SMT-LIBv2:
(set-logic QF_UF)
(declare-sort Triple 3)
(declare-fun state () (Triple Bool Bool Bool))
I am using CVC4 and it seems to accept this syntax. But how do I access the elements? I tried the following (and various variations of that and other things I found online):
(assert (_ state 1))
(assert (select 1 state))
But it looks like those operators only work on vectors and arrays. I can't find any example that uses such composite sorts and can't find anything about accessing those elements in the tutorial or the language standard. How is it done? Or did I completely misunderstand what this feature is for?
My application: I want to encode a temporal problem and want to do it in form of a state transition function that converts the old state into a new state, so I can write something like the following when experimenting with the system:
(declare-fun initial_state () MyStateSort)
(declare-fun state_after_step_1 () MyStateSort)
(declare-fun state_after_step_2 () MyStateSort)
(assert (= (MyTransitionFunc initial_state) state_after_step_1)
(assert (= (MyTransitionFunc state_after_step_1) state_after_step_2)
This is an answer to my own question. If anyone can post an example for a use-case of a user-defined sort with arity > 0, I'll happily accept that as answer.
After reading the SMT-LIBv2 standard more carefully I am now thinking that sort declarations with arity > 0 only have an application in theory definitions (for declaring sorts like Array
), not in user-supplied code. The example in David Cok's Tutorial seems to be misleading, as it suggests that this can be used to declare composite sorts. I have not found any indication of that anywhere else. This includes the complete SMT-LIB benchmark that contains not a single sort declaration with arity > 0.
Instead of "composite sorts" one should use uninterpreted functions to create the equivalent of complex data structures. Example:
(set-logic QF_UF)
(declare-sort CONTAINER_SORT 0)
(declare-fun INSTANCE_1 () CONTAINER_SORT)
(declare-fun INSTANCE_2 () CONTAINER_SORT)
This will effectively declare the following 4 independent Bool expressions.