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Idris vectors vs linked lists

Does Idris do any kind of optimization under the hood of vectors? Because from the looks of it, an Idris vector is just a linked list with known size (known at compile time). In fact, in general it seems like you could express the following equivalence (I'm guessing a bit at the syntax):

Vector : Nat -> Type -> Type
Vector n t = (l: List t ** length l = n)

So while this is nice in the sense of preventing range errors, the real advantage of vectors (in the traditional usage of the term) is in terms of performance; in particular, O(1) random access. It seems that the idris vector would not support this (how would you write the indexing function to have this performance?).

  • Assuming that there's no wizardry going on under the hood (as happens with Nat) to reconfigure Vectors, is there a random-access data type in Idris?
  • How would be/is such a thing defined in an algebraic type system? Certainly it seems like it would be impossible to define it inductively.
  • Is it possible, within a type system like that of Idris, to create a data type which supports O(1) random access, and is aware of its length such that all access is provably valid? (Haskell has array-style Vectors, but their concrete implementation is opaque to the average user, including me)


  • It doesn't do anything to optimise Vector lookups (at the time of writing this answer, at least).

    This isn't because of any difficulty in doing it, really, but more because I would rather have some kind of general framework for writing this kind of optimisation than hard coding lots of them. Admittedly, we already have hard coded optimisations for Nat, but I still would prefer not to add loads more in an ad-hoc fashion.

    Depending on what you actually want it for, it might be that the experimental uniqueness type system will help, in that you could have a low level mutable thing under the hood and still have safe and efficient access and update in a pure style in the high level language. We'll see...