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Putting line number for R code with knitr

I wonder if there is any function to put line numbers with knitr in .Rnw. I found this discussion and some documents (now removed from the web) but could not find the way to put line numbers.


  • This solution uses the LaTeX listings package to create line numbers. I can only get them to work by accumulating across all code chunks, but I imagine there is a similar solution that will enumerate lines only within each chunk. Here's the .Rnw source:

    <<setup, echo=FALSE>>=
    knit_hooks$set(source = function(x, options) {
        paste("\\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=left, firstnumber=last]\n", x, 
            "\\end{lstlisting}\n", sep = "")
    <<a, results='hold'>>=

    The key parts of this are in the source hook, which is basically copied from here. The firstnumber=last tells listings to accumulate line numbers across listings. Without it, all lines are numbered 1 because knitr is putting each code line in its own listing.

    And here's the result:

    enter image description here

    If you want each code block to start numbering from 1, add a hook to reset the counter:

    knit_hooks$set(reset = function(before, options, envir){

    and then use reset=TRUE to activate the hook in each chunk you want:

    <<a, results='hold', reset=TRUE>>=