How can I get the following code to add the element with "xmlns=''"?
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string strXML =
"<myroot>" +
" <group3 xmlns='myGroup3SerializerStyle'>" +
" <firstname xmlns=''>Neal3</firstname>" +
" </group3>" +
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement elem = xmlDoc.CreateElement(null, "lastname", null);
elem.InnerText = "New-Value";
string strXPath = "/myroot/*[local-name()='group3' and namespace-uri()='myGroup3SerializerStyle']/firstname";
XmlNode insertPoint = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(strXPath);
string resultOuter = xmlDoc.OuterXml;
Console.WriteLine("\n resultOuter=" + resultOuter);
My current output:
resultOuter=<myroot><group3 xmlns="myGroup3SerializerStyle"><firstname xmlns=""
The desired output:
resultOuter=<myroot><group3 xmlns="myGroup3SerializerStyle"><firstname xmlns=""
>Neal3<lastname xmlns="">New-Value</lastname></firstname></group3></myroot>
For background, see related posts: (today)
.NET XmlSerializer to Element FormDefault=Unqualified XML? (March 9, thought I fixed it, but bit me again today!)
Oops - nevermind.
I changed XPath to this:
string strXPath = "/myroot/*[local-name()='group3' and namespace-uri()='myGroup3SerializerStyle']";
and it worked. The idea was to add lastname at the same level as firstname and not under firstname.
The correct desired output was really this:
resultOuter=<myroot><group3 xmlns="myGroup3SerializerStyle"><firstname xmlns=""
>Neal3</firstname><lastname xmlns="">New-Value</lastname></group3></myroot>