I'm using nose and I need to start an HTTP server for a test. I'm starting it in the setup function, and stopping it in the teardown function like this:
from my_service import MyClient, MyServer
def setup():
global server
server = MyServer()
def teardown():
def test_client():
client = MyClient('localhost', server.port)
assert client.get_colour() == "blue"
Is there a more elegant way to have the server object available to teardown function and tests other than this global variable? Perhaps a value returned from setup which would be passed as an argument to tests and teardown?
Have you considered unittest? It does exist for this reason, and nose will work with it nicely:
import unittest
class MyLiveServerTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.server = MyServer()
def test_client(self):
client = MyClient('localhost', self.server.port)
assert client.get_colour() == "blue"
def tearDown(self):