I am trying to make a search function in my application. If the user inputs a substring (or the complete string) I want to know if that substring matches any of the strings or part of the strings stored in my vector.
The following code is written so far:
cout << "Input word to search for: ";
cin >> searchString;
for (multimap <string, vector<string> >::const_iterator it = contactInformationMultimap.cbegin(); it != contactInformationMultimap.cend(); ++it)
for (vector<string>::const_iterator iter = it->second.cbegin(); iter != it->second.cend(); ++iter)
if (*iter.find(searchString))
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this does not work, if i cout *iter it is the correct word stored in the vector. The problem is that i can not use the find function.
Anyone having any suggestions?
Unary operators have less priority than postfix operators. In your if statement you need that the unary operator * would be evaluated before member access operator. So you have to write
if ( ( *iter ).find(searchString) != std::string::npos )
Or you could write
if ( iter->find(searchString) != std::string::npos )
Take into account that this record
if ( ( *iter ).find(searchString) )
makes no sense.
Also you could write
for (multimap <string, vector<string> >::const_iterator it = contactInformationMultimap.cbegin(); it != contactInformationMultimap.cend(); ++it)
for ( const std::string &s : it->second )
if ( s.find(searchString ) != std::string::npos ) /*...*/;