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Where did 'Sorry, you're not authorized to view this page' come from?

I am using spring security plugin for Grails. I can get LDAP authenticated and see authorization working as well. When authorization failed, I can see 'Sorry, you're not authorized to view this page'. Where did this error come from?

My SecureController code is the following.

package com.testapp

import grails.plugin.springsecurity.annotation.Secured
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder

class SecureController {

   def showUser()  {
        def msg = ' ROLE_USER users see this'

        render view: 'enter', model: [msg: msg]

   def showAdmin() {
      def msg = ' ROLE_ADMIN users see this'
      render view: 'enter', model: [msg: msg]


  • That page is the denied.gsp view/page from within the Spring security core plugin. This view is shown when access to the requested resource is denied (e.g. fails @Secured check).

    If you want to replace it with your own view, create a new view/page grails-app/views/login/denied.gsp.