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Create QT plugin with FireBreath on Windows

First of all,sorry for my english.

I wrote a FireBreath plugin with QT and the plugin can show normally.

But when I click a button in the plugin window,nothing happened.And all widgets like this.

But that button changed when I resize the browser.

Am i forgot some event-handling or window-updating operations in QT?

Thanks for any advice!

The QApplication created in onPluginReady()function.

void MediaPlayerPlugin::onPluginReady()
    static int argc=0;
    static char **argv={ 0 };
    new QApplication(argc, argv);

And the QWidget is a child of the plugin window(note:the m_player is a QWidget subclass).

bool MediaPlayerPlugin::onWindowAttached(FB::AttachedEvent *evt, FB::PluginWindow *pluginWindow)
    FB::PluginWindowWin* wnd = reinterpret_cast<FB::PluginWindowWin*>(pluginWindow);
    HWND hwnd = wnd->getHWND();

    m_player = new MediaPlayer();

    HWND childHwnd = (HWND)m_player->winId();

    LONG oldLong = GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);

    ::SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, oldLong | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS);
    ::SetParent(childHwnd, hwnd);

    FB::Rect pos = wnd->getWindowPosition();
    return true;


  • My guess would be that QApplication is going to essentially take over the process it is running in, which is a problem when you are running as a plugin. You don't own the process -- you don't get to decide any of the interesting details.

    Short answer is that if there is a way to do this, I've not found it. One instance where I needed to do something similar I ended up launching the QApplication executable as a separate process and communicated with it via STDIN/STDOUT.