I have the following PowerShell code:
function Get-SmoConnection
([string] $serverName = "", [int] $connectionTimeout = 0)
if($serverName.Length -eq 0)
$serverConnection = New-Object `
$serverConnection = New-Object `
if($connectionTimeout -ne 0)
$serverConnection.ConnectTimeout = $connectionTimeout
catch [system.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]
$connection = get-smoconnection "ServerName" 2
if($connection -ne $null)
Write-Host $connection.ServerInstance
Write-Host $connection.ConnectTimeout
Write-Host "Connection could not be established"
It seems to work, except for the part that attempts to set the SMO connection timeout. If the connection is successful, I can verify that ServerConnection.ConnectTimeout is set to 2 (seconds), but when I supply a bogus name for the SQL Server instance, it still attempts to connect to it for ~ 15 seconds (which is I believe the default timeout value).
Does anyone have experience with setting SMO connection timeout? Thank you in advance.
I can't seem to reproduce the behavior you are seeing. If recreate your function as script rather than a function the ConnectionTimeout property seems to work regardless of whether the server name parameter is bogus or not:
Measure-Command {./get-smoconnection.ps1 'Z03\sq2k8' 2}