How would someone go about making a hold to confirm button similar to what designmodo uses?
I have a working version using jQuery but am at a loss how to incorporate this into Angular. Is this something possible with ngAnimate?
jsfiddle css:
path {
stroke-dasharray: 119;
stroke-dashoffset: 119;
.draw {
-webkit-animation: dash 3s ease forwards;
@-webkit-keyframes dash {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
jsfiddle js:
$('.delete-icon').mousedown(function() {
$('path').attr('class', 'draw');
$('.delete-icon').mouseup(function() {
$('path').attr('class', 'progress');
$("path").bind("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd", function(){
Ok I have a refined answer for this. View here
I dropped using animation and jQuery for two reasons:
There are probably ways to bypass these but I couldn't figure it out.
Instead I used the angular specific animation classes that will trigger a promise on animation completion. Specifically:
.line.draw {
-webkit-animation: dash 3s ease forwards;
.line.draw-add {
.line.draw-add-active {
@-webkit-keyframes dash {
to {
stroke-dashoffset: 0;
I didn't need to use .line but kept it in there because lazy.
I also used isolating scope to reference the scope in the controller:
scope: {
'myAnimate': '=',
'deleteTodo': '&'
I think that is all the tricky parts to this solution. If anyone has any questions feel free to ask.