I used the vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule
listed here and discussed on on this wiki page.
The archetype generated a project with three sub modules, myproject-production
and myproject-widgetset
. I am not sure the purpose of each project. For example myproject-production
& myproject-ui
both are war projects.
I am not sure which parts of my code should go where. Can someone please explain to me the usage of each of the projects?
From the generated README.md
- parent project: common metadata and configuration
- xxx-widgetset: widgetset, custom client side code and dependencies to widget add-ons
- xxx-ui: main application module, development time
- xxx-production: module that produces a production mode WAR for deployment
For background: with Vaadin you essentially develop web applications with server-only Java code. This is the "UI" code, which runs on the server and communicates behind the scenes with a kind of "thin client" running in Javascript on the browser (this is the "widgetset"). Normally you don't need to worry but for more advanced things you may create/derive/extend widgetsets. This would go in the Widgetset project.