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AngularJS ng-options issue when linked to gapped Primary Key

I have an AngularJS ng-option set, and a SQL Server db with some "Champion" names.

I populate my ng-option using this list from the DB, but I am having some problems. Right now I use the following ng-option to setup my list.

   <select style="width:25%" ng-options="champ1.cID as champ1.cName for champ1 in Champions1 | orderBy: 'cName'" ng-init="0" ng-model="champ1" ng-change="part3Valid()">{{champ1.cName}}</select>

The issue here is that i "think" since my Primary Key list is broken/has gaps, it causes issues with displaying the correct image with the correct option name.

By Image, I mean that my options (on change) updates an image as follows.

Favorite Champions
   <span><img ng-src="/Content/champions/{{Champions1[champ1].cName.trim() || 'None'}}_Square_0.png" style="width:15%" /></span>
   <span><img ng-src="/Content/champions/{{Champions2[champ2].cName.trim() || 'None'}}_Square_0.png" style="width:15%" /></span>
   <span><img ng-src="/Content/champions/{{Champions3[champ3].cName.trim() || 'None'}}_Square_0.png" style="width:15%" /></span>
  <span><select style="width:25%" ng-options="champ1.cID as champ1.cName for champ1 in Champions1 | orderBy: 'cName'" ng-init="0" ng-model="champ1" ng-change="part3Valid()">{{champ1.cName}}</select></span>
  <span><select style="width:25%" ng-options="champ2.cID as champ2.cName for champ2 in Champions2 | orderBy: 'cName'" ng-init="0" ng-model="champ2" ng-change="part3Valid()">{{champ2.cName}}</select></span>
  <span><select style="width:25%" ng-options="champ3.cID as champ3.cName for champ3 in Champions3 | orderBy: 'cName'" ng-init="0" ng-model="champ3" ng-change="part3Valid()">{{champ3.cName}}</select></span>

So the actual list of names in my options is CORRECT and IN ORDER, but the images do not line up, for example the first option shown is for "Aaatrox", but it shows the image for "Akali". Hence why I think when I am updating the image (Champions1[champ1].cName.trim()), I think am getting a differently ordered/structured list for the ng-src setup versus the ng-option setup, but I am not sure how to fix this, or where the mis-align is coming from.

Here is my API call and the factory (stuck together for readability).

public HttpResponseMessage GET()

    using (MoviesEntities db = new MoviesEntities())
        var query = from champs in db.championLists
                    select new
                        cID = champs.ID,
                        cName = champs.Name,

        HttpResponseMessage msg = new HttpResponseMessage();
        msg.Content = new ObjectContent<object>(query.OrderBy(x => x.cName).ToList(), new System.Net.Http.Formatting.JsonMediaTypeFormatter());

        msg.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
        return msg;

app.factory('championService', function ($http) {
    var championService = {};
    championService.getResources = function () {
        return $http({
            url: '/API/APIChampions',
            method: "GET"
    return championService;

I set the service equal to champ1/2/3.

Here is my DB list, as you can see my PKID has some gaps so I think that may be an issue when I call it into my app? (also note new names are added at end of list, even though I re-order it)

1 None                                              
2 Aatrox                                            
3 Ahri                                              
4 Akali                                             
5 Alistar                                           
6 Amumu                                             
7 Anivia                                            
8 Annie                                             
9 Ashe                                              
10    Blitzcrank                                        
11    Brand                                             
12    Braum                                             
13    Caitlyn                                           
14    Cassiopeia                                        
15    Chogath                                           
16    Corki                                             
17    Darius                                            
18    Diana                                             
19    Draven                                            
20    DrMundo                                           
21    Elise                                             
22    Evelynn                                           
23    Ezreal                                            
25    Fiora                                             
26    Fizz                                              
27    Galio                                             
28    Gangplank                                         
29    Garen                                             
30    Gragas                                            
31    Graves                                            
32    Hecarim                                           
33    Heimerdinger                                      
34    Irelia                                            
35    Janna                                             
36    JarvanIV                                          
37    Jax                                               
38    Jayce                                             
39    Jinx                                              
40    Karthus                                           
41    Katarina                                          
42    Kayle                                             
43    Kennen                                            
45    Leblanc                                           
46    LeeSin                                            
47    Leona                                             
48    Lissandra                                         
49    Lucian                                            
50    Lulu                                              
51    Lux                                               
52    Malphite                                          
53    Malzahar                                          
54    Maokai                                            
55    MasterYi                                          
56    MissFortune                                       
57    Mordekaiser                                       
58    Morgana                                           
59    Nami                                              
60    Nasus                                             
61    Nautilus                                          
62    Nidalee                                           
63    Nocturne                                          
64    Nunu                                              
65    Olaf                                              
66    Orianna                                           
67    Pantheon                                          
68    Poppy                                             
69    Quinn                                             
70    Rammus                                            
71    Renekton                                          
72    Rengar                                            
73    Riven                                             
74    Rumble                                            
75    Ryze                                              
76    Sejuani                                           
77    Shaco                                             
78    Shen                                              
79    Shyvana                                           
80    Singed                                            
81    Sion                                              
82    Sivir                                             
83    Skarner                                           
84    Sona                                              
85    Soraka                                            
86    Swain                                             
87    Syndra                                            
88    Talon                                             
89    Taric                                             
90    Teemo                                             
91    Thresh                                            
92    Tristana                                          
93    Trundle                                           
94    Tryndamere                                        
95    TwistedFate                                       
96    Twitch                                            
97    Udyr                                              
98    Urgot                                             
99    Varus                                             
100   Vayne                                             
101   Veigar                                            
102   Vi                                                
103   Viktor                                            
104   Vladimir                                          
105   Volibear                                          
106   Warwick                                           
108   Xerath                                            
109   XinZhao                                           
110   Yasuo                                             
111   Yorick                                            
112   Zac                                               
113   Zed                                               
114   Ziggs                                             
115   Zilean                                            
116   Zyra                                              
117   Karma                                             
118   Khazix                                            
119   Velkoz                                            
120   Gnar                                              
123   Kalista                                           
124   RekSai                                            
126   KogMaw                                            
128   Wukong                                            
1122 FiddleSticks

Still newer to API calls and AngularJS so I am struggling with figuring out the problem.


  • When you do this: Champions1[champ1].cName.trim() you are accessing a position in the champions array which is not necessarily the same as the id you are passing.

    But you can use ng-options like this:

    ng-options="champ1.cName for champ1 in Champions1 | orderBy: 'cName'"

    And then:

    <img ng-src="/Content/champions/{{champ1.cName.trim() || 'None'}}_Square_0.png" style="width:15%" />

    Or if you only need the name:

    ng-options="champ1.cName as champ1.cName for champ1 in Champions1 | orderBy: 'cName'"

    And then:

    <img ng-src="/Content/champions/{{champ1.trim() || 'None'}}_Square_0.png" style="width:15%"/>