I am working on a personal creative project and need help finding or creating a script that will randomly select 4 images from 4 different folders, stack them and create a series of png composite images as an output. Extra points if the images of each folder can be assigned to a fixed layer (so, for example, images from the "backgrounds" folder will always appear in the back). Note: I don't know how to code.
Ok, I have updated the script as follows:
then output-1.png
and so on.Script follows...
# Number of output files - edit freely :-)
# Build arrays of filenames in each layer, assume directories are "Layer0", "Layer1" etc
IFS=$'\n' L0files=($(find "Layer 0" -name "*.png"))
IFS=$'\n' L1files=($(find "Layer 1" -name "*.png"))
IFS=$'\n' L2files=($(find "Layer 2" -name "*.png"))
IFS=$'\n' L3files=($(find "Layer 3" -name "*.png"))
# Produce NFILES output files
for i in `seq 1 $NFILES`; do
# Choose random index into each array of filenames
index0=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L0files[@]} - 1)) )
index1=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L1files[@]} - 1)) )
index2=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L2files[@]} - 1)) )
index3=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L3files[@]} - 1)) )
# Pick up files as specified by the random index
# Generate output filename, "output-nnn.png"
# ... where nnn starts at 0 and goes up till no clash
while :; do
[ ! -f "$out" ] && break
echo $f0, $f1, $f2, $f3 "=> $out"
convert "$f0" "$f1" -composite "$f2" -composite "$f3" -composite "$out"
Starting with the following images in your Layer[0-3] directories:
Layer 0
Layer 1
Layer 2
Layer 3
Output files like the following are produced:
Original Answer
I would install ImageMagick to do this - it is free and easily installed on OSX if you install homebrew
first by going here. Then type the following in Terminal.
brew install imagemagick
The script would then look like this:
# Build arrays of filenames in each layer, assume directories are "Layer0", "Layer1" etc
IFS=$'\n' L0files=($(find "Layer0" -name "*.png"))
IFS=$'\n' L1files=($(find "Layer1" -name "*.png"))
IFS=$'\n' L2files=($(find "Layer2" -name "*.png"))
IFS=$'\n' L3files=($(find "Layer3" -name "*.png"))
# Choose random index into each array of filenames
index0=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L0files[@]} - 1)) )
index1=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L1files[@]} - 1)) )
index2=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L2files[@]} - 1)) )
index3=$( jot -r 1 0 $((${#L3files[@]} - 1)) )
# Pick up files as specified by the random index
echo Overlaying $f0, $f1, $f2, $f3 to produce "result.png"
convert "$f0" "$f1" "$f2" "$f3" -compose over -composite result.png
So, you would save the above as generate
and then go to Terminal and do the following one time to make it executable
chmod +x generate
Then you can run it by double-clicking on its icon in Finder, or typing:
in Terminal. It will then produce a random overlay of 4 images, one from each folder and save the result as result.png
You will need to edit the first 4 lines according to where your images are for the various layers - basically I am assuming the images are in directories called Layer0-4
, but yours may be in /Users/FreddyFrog/pictures/backgrounds
or somesuch, in which case you would edit
IFS=$'\n' L0files=($(find "/Users/FreddyFrog/pictures/backgrounds" -name "*.png"))
When I run it a few times on my Mac, I get:
Overlaying Layer0/l0-5.png, Layer1/l1-0.png, Layer2/l2-3.png, Layer3/l3-3.png to produce result.png
Overlaying Layer0/l0-3.png, Layer1/l1-4.png, Layer2/l2-3.png, Layer3/l3-3.png to produce result.png