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Load dynamically a ResourceDictionnary

I'm having some issues. I want my app to load a ResourceDictonnary dynamically in app.xaml.cs.

This is my code for the moment :

ResourceDictionary theme = XamlReader.Load(???);

The problem is, how can I get my ResourceDictionnary stream from the xaml file ? I don't want to copy the xaml file with the exe. It's build action is set to Page and I want to load it.

Can you tell me how to do that ?

Thanks !


  • try using the following code (I call it from my IModule.Initialize)

                .Add(new ResourceDictionary
                    Source = new Uri(@"pack://application:,,,/My.Application;component/Resources/Resources.xaml")

    see the project tree in attached image: project tree in VS