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Size class to identify iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus portrait

How to uniquely identify iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus portrait screens using size classes?

My App looks good in iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 but the same looks with lots of empty spaces in iPhone 6 and 6 plus because of screen sizes. Though am using auto layout i can't increase the font size or view size only for iPhone 6 and 6 plus alone. I knew that we can change the font size and view size using size classes. but in my case don't know what to do.

Am using xCode 6.1 and my app supports from iOS 7 to latest iOS 8.1. Am expecting solution only in storyboards as am doing my UI designs fully in storyboard. If storyboard has limited functionality to achieve my needs please let me know how to achieve the same with code through out the app?


  • Another option to adjust the font size according to the iPhone type, is to use 'User Defined Runtime Attributes'.

    Define an extension to UILabel:

    extension UILabel {
        var adjustFontToRealIPhoneSize: Bool {
            set {
                if newValue {
                    var currentFont = self.font
                    var sizeScale: CGFloat = 1
                    let model = UIDevice.CurrentDevice().modelName()
                    if model == "iPhone 6" {
                        sizeScale = 1.3
                    else if model == "iPhone 6 Plus" {
                        sizeScale = 1.5
                    self.font = currentFont.fontWithSize(currentFont.pointSize * sizeScale)
            get {
                return false

    In order to determine the current model name, please refer to the following answer:

    On the storyboard, select the label you wish to adjust, open the right pane, select the identity inspector, and add the 'adjustFontToRealIPhoneSize' property to the list of user defined runtime attributes (with type 'Boolean' and checkbox checked).

    Do the same for each label you wish to adjust (copy & paste surprisingly works here).