Geocoder geocode = new Geocoder(MainPage.this);
List<Address> address = null;
StringBuilder addressText = null;
try {
address = geocode.getFromLocation(latitudeTemp, longitudeTemp,
} catch (IOException e) {
if (address != null && address.size() != 0) {
Address addr = address.get(0);
addressText = new StringBuilder();
if (addr.getCountryName() != null)
addressText.append(addr.getCountryName()).append(" ");
if (addr.getAdminArea() != null)
addressText.append(addr.getAdminArea()).append(" ");
if (addr.getLocality() != null)
addressText.append(addr.getLocality()).append(" ");
if (addr.getSubLocality() != null)
addressText.append(addr.getSubLocality()).append(" ");
if (addr.getThoroughfare() != null)
addressText.append(addr.getThoroughfare()).append(" ");
if (addr.getFeatureName() != null)
addressText.append(addr.getFeatureName()).append(" ");
} else {
addressText = new StringBuilder()
myAddress2 = addressText;
I am trying to use Reverse Geocoding to get the actual address. And, actually, the code above oftenly works.
however, sometimes it gives IOException, that says "timed out waiting for a response from server" and when I try to use a separate thread to deal with the code, the devices freezes sometimes due to the IOException..
what should I do to avoid the exception?
Plz help...
It sounds like a network or server issue that is out of your control. You could try exponential backoff (example) as a way to deal with it.