I m trying to use a widget called danielhanold.pickerWidget! By clicking on label the picker should popup and set the selected value as text on the label....i m a newbie to titanium and javascript so can anyone tell me how to get text of the selected value...
function selectcity (e) {
Alloy.createWidget('danielhanold.pickerWidget', {
id: 'mySingleColumn',
outerView: $.win,
hideNavBar: false,
type: 'single-column',
selectedValues: [20],
pickerValues: [{10: 'Auburn', 20: 'Bald', 30: 'Black', 40: 'Blond', 50: 'Brown'}],
onDone: function(e) {
// Do something
Problem Solved...
onDone : function(e) {
$.label.text = e.data[0].value;