I am writing a qt gui application where I am planning to show the output of an sql query inside a QLabel.
Now population the output inside a QTableView model is simple enough and that I can do using;
QSqlDatabase dbSqlite = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); //these 2 lines for SQLite DB connection
QString MyQuerySqlite = ui->sqlite_queryEdit->text(); //take the query from a QLineEdit
dbSqlite.open(); //open db connection
QSqlQuery query(MyQuerySqlite,dbSqlite);
if(query.exec()) //populate in table
this->model1=new QSqlQueryModel();
qDebug()<<QDateTime::currentDateTime()<<"SQLITE QUERY SUCCESS "<<dbSqlite.lastError().text();
Any idea on how to achieve this inside a QLabel ???
The output of the query will be one single record. For example the name of the world's tallest mountain, or the name of the capital of Engalnd. Just single records.
If you want to use QSqlQueryModel
for this, you can use QSqlQueryModel::record ( int row )
to retrieve a specific record and then QSqlRecord::value ( int index )
to get a field's value :
QString str = model1->record(0).value(0).toString();