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SQL Alter an value from 1 to 0

Hey im looking for a SQL statement that let me alters the int in the database to a zero for inactive - i have no idea how to write the SQL query like that,and how the php code would look.

This is my best guess..

select id,active 
from posts 
where id = '42' and (active = '1')

This is the current statement, well '42' is a var in the php i can find the current row and it prints out this

id active 
42 1

in the sql database - how can i alter the int to a zero?


  • You have to use the UPDATE command to update the rows already in the database. That UPDATE command execute against some key for eaxmple in your example that is ID.

    The UPDATE Command syntax will be like this:-

    UPDATE tablename SET columnWhichNeedsTObeUpdated = newValueforColumn
    WHERE KeyColumn = KeyColumnIdentifierValue

    For eaxmple for your case:-

    UPDATE posts SET active = 0
    WHERE id = 42

    Have a look for MYSQL UPDATE syntax manual