I'm using tasker and I want a profile that will turn my Bluetooth off if it is not connected to a device after a certain period of time
I have the following
Profile > Bluetooth off
State > Bluetooth On
State > Not BT Connected
Task > Bluetooth Off
A1 > Wait > 59s
A2 > popup
A3 > Bluetooth Off
Exit Task > Bluetooth Off
A1 > Bluetooth Off
The popup will appear and Bluetooth switches off but it is automatically coming straight back on
I'm on galaxy s3 rooted running JB 4.3
I've had a similar problem and although Valiceemo's response is perfect to fix this problem the underlying issue could be that you have the "Restore Settings" option checked as a profile option.
If you click on the three dot menu and select preferences and deactivate "Beginners Mode" you can long press the profile and a new options menu will appear at the top with the slider menu icon, click on this and uncheck "Restore Settings". This should resolve the issue and let your original profile work.
Without knowing about this option Tasked can be seriously frustrating.