On the iphone, this code shows the cancel button:
- (IBAction)buttonPressed
UIActionSheet *actionSheet = [[UIActionSheet alloc]
initWithTitle:@"Are you sure?"
cancelButtonTitle:@"No way!"
destructiveButtonTitle:@"Yes, I'm sure!"
[actionSheet showInView:self.view];
[actionSheet release];
But on the iPad, only the destructive button shows.
What's the problem?
I was able to solve this by setting the actionSheetStyle:
actionSheet.actionSheetStyle = UIActionSheetStyleBlackOpaque;
UIActionSheetStyleBlackTranslucent also works. I am displaying the action sheet from a modal view controller which I guess is not technically a "popovercontroller" like the guidelines say but not seeing a Cancel button on the action sheet doesn't look right when it appears on top of the modal view. All the user sees is one scary red button with no visible alternative.
Maybe I could change the modal view controller to a popovercontroller but then it wouldn't be modal which it needs to be.
Well it was fun while it lasted but this no longer works in iOS 4.2.
I switched to using a UIAlertView instead of a UIActionSheet.
I no longer get a cool red button but it gets the job done.