I created a library in Android Studio (aar) and have successfully imported it into another application I have created. In the library, I have a base abstract class which I extend from in order to make the class that I want to use in my new application. In my application, I am successful in calling methods in the library's child class but it doesn't seem to have access to the methods in the base abstract class.
AbstractClass {
public void methodAbstractClass();
ChildClass extends AbstractClass {
public void methodChildMethod();
import ChildClass;
MainApplication {
public void doWork() {
methodChildMethod(); // Works
methodAbstractClass(); // Does not work, not visible
Am I missing something? Do I need to add overriding calls in my ChildClass class in the library so that the application can access methods in the AbstractClass class?
Might be that you're only importing the ChildClass