I am trying to add an html tooltip tp my google chart but that does not work. I have defined the column and option to enable HTML but that does not work
Here is the jsfiddle which does not work. The js is defined as
function drawChart() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Name');
data.addColumn('string', 'Manager');
data.addColumn({'type': 'string', 'role': 'tooltip', 'p': {'html': true}});
[{v:'Mike', f:'Mike<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">President</div>'}, '', 'The President'],
[{v:'Jim', f:'Jim<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">Vice President<div>'}, 'Mike', '<div style="color:red; font-style:italic">Vice President<div>'],
['Alice', 'Mike', ''],
['Bob', 'Jim', '<b>Bob</b> Sponge'],
['Carol', 'Bob', '']
var chart = new google.visualization.OrgChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
var options = {
tooltip: {isHtml: true},
chart.draw(data, options);
..and the HHTML
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/jsapi?autoload={'modules':[{'name':'visualization','version':'1','packages':['orgchart']}]}"></script>
<div id="chart_div""></div>
Any help on this is greatly appreciated
Unfortunately org chart does not support custom tooltips. In fact, it does not suppport tooltips at all, the text on hover is just the title attribute. However, there are a few libraries that allow html titles. One example is jquery ui, with an addition of this code for it to work:
$(function () {
content: function () {
return $(this).prop('title');
Here is working fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/juvian/vucp11qk/2/