Could you please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong ? Here are the steps:
Next I wanted to deploy my spider:
1st try : I tried to run, as the docs specified, scrapyd-deploy your_scrapyd_target -p project_name
- got error - scrapyd wasn't installed
fix: pip install scrapyd
2nd try : I launched scrapyd server, accessed http://localhost:6800/
-all ok
After a brief reading of scrapyd docs I found out I had to edit the file scrapy.cfg from my project : slyd/data/projects/new_project/scrapy.cfg
added the following :
url = http://localhost:6800/
Went back to the console, checked all is ok :
$:> scrapyd-deploy -l
local http://localhost:6800/
$:> scrapyd-deploy -L local
Seemed ok so i gave it another try :
$scrapyd-deploy local -p default
Packing version 1418722113
Deploying to project "default" in http://localhost:6800/addversion.json
Server response (200):
{"status": "error", "message": "IOError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: '/Users/Mike/www/portia/slyd/data/projects/new_project'"}
What am I missing ?
For anyone who stumbles upon this issue, the fix is to deploy scrapyd in another directory other than that of the project. See details here :