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Read byte array in Android using k-soap2

I'm using this code in .net web service to send image as byte array:

public byte[] getImage()
    byte[] img;
    return img;

How can read this byte array using ksoap2 and convert it to bitmap?

Can you explain that in simple code.

Update: This code I'm using in android to read data from web service:

        String SOAP_ACTION = WebServiceNameSpace + GetImage;
        String NAMESPACE = WebServiceNameSpace;
        String METHOD_NAME = GetImage;
        String URL = WS_URL;

        SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
        SoapSerializationEnvelope Envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(
        Envelope.dotNet = true;
        HttpTransportSE transport = new HttpTransportSE(URL);, Envelope);
        SoapPrimitive primetive = (SoapPrimitive) Envelope.getResponse();
        return primetive.toString();


  • Considering that you have consumed the web service successfully, and retrieved the bytes, all you need to do is to decode the data and retrieve the Bitmap from it:

    final SoapPrimitive primitive = (SoapPrimitive) Envelope.getResponse();
    final String imgData = primitive.toString();
    if (imgData != "") 
        byte[] imgBytes = Base64.decode(imgData, Base64.DEFAULT);         
        final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(imgBytes, 0, imgBytes.length);
        // TODO: set this bitmap into an ImageView or handle it as you wish

    If you have issues with the decoding part, please refer to this answer and its links too.