I have created a picker that shows list of countries and it works fine. Currently by default the first country is selected. I need to change it to another country. How should I do that?
This is the picker I created
Picker {
id: picker
title: "Select your country"
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
// A DataModel is used to populate the picker.
dataModel: XmlDataModel {
source: "Model/CountryCodes.xml"
// Picker items are set up similarly as to how its done in a ListView.
pickerItemComponents: [
PickerItemComponent {
type: "country"
content: Container {
background: Color.create("#9B59B6")
layout: DockLayout {
Label {
multiline: true
maxWidth: 1000
text: pickerItemData.name
verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
textStyle {
color: Color.White
fontSize: FontSize.PointValue
fontSizeValue: 10.0
fontWeight: FontWeight.Normal
onSelectedValueChanged: {
// These are the currently selected indexes.
var index0 = picker.selectedIndex(0);
var type = dataModel.data([0, picker.selectedIndex(0)]);
console.log("Selected index:"+index0);
My countrycodes.xml is in this format
<column loop="false" colspan="3" >
<country code='af' phoneCode='93' name='Afghanistan' />
<country code='al' phoneCode='355' name='Albania' />
........all other countries.....
Currently Afganistan shows selected all the time.
I used this, it loads which one from settings. This is placed in onCreationCompleted
picker.select(0, app.getValueFor("backImageID", 0));
and the second element is like this
picker.select(1, app.getValueFor("fontColorID", 0));