I have a table with a schema of Table(number, ref, ref, varchar2, varchar2,...).
How would I insert a row of data into this table?
When I do:
insert into table
values (1, select ref(p), ref(d), '239 F.3d 1343', '35 USC § 283', ...
from plaintiff p, defendant d
where p.name='name1' and d.name='name2');
I get a "missing expression" error.
If I do:
insert into table
1, select ref(p), ref(d), ...
from plaintiff p, defendant
where p.name=...;
I get a "missing keyword VALUES" error.
Your syntax on the insert is off. Try:
insert into table
(select 1, ref(p), ref(d), '239 F.3d 1343', '35 USC § 283', ...
from plaintiff p, defendant d where p.name='name1' and d.name='name2');
In general, it's a good practice to explicitly mention the columns you're inserting into as well, to avoid problems later if the column order changes, as well as to self-document the code:
insert into table (col1, col2, col3, ...)
(select 1, ref(p), ref(d), '239 F.3d 1343', '35 USC § 283', ...
from plaintiff p, defendant d where p.name='name1' and d.name='name2');