I am loading one swf into another using the Loader class, but when the child swf finishes loading and is added to the display list, its Document Class is not instantiated. I have a few trace statements that should execute when the object is created, but nothing is happening when loaded into the parent SWF. When I compile the child SWF on its own, the Document Class runs as expected.
So I'm wondering... how do I associate a child SWF's Document Class with Loader.content
Code updated with a solution from Kishi below.
public class Preloader extends Sprite {
import flash.net.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
// code in parent SWF's Document Class (Preloader.as)
private var swfLoader:Loader;
public var mainMovie:MovieClip;
public function Preloader(){
swfLoader = new Loader();
swfLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderDone);
swfLoader.load(new URLRequest("mainmovie.swf"));
private function loaderDone(e:Event):void {
// Cast Loader.content to MovieClip
mainMovie = MovieClip(swfLoader.content);
mainMovie.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, mainMovieAddedListener);
addChildAt(mainMovie, 0);
private function mainMovieAddedListener(e:Event):void {
// init() not necessary
// MainMovie.as runs after casting swfLoader.content to MovieClip
public class MainMovie extends Sprite {
public function MainMovie(){
trace('MainMovie WHATTUP');
public function init():void {
The problem is how you are trying to access the swf instance.
First, the document class instance is referred by Loader's content property. You'd reference it like this:
var swf:DisplayObject = swfLoader.content;
But, even then you'd have to cast the DisplayObject either to it's real class (MainMovie, in this case) or a dynamic class (such as MovieClip), as you are trying to use a custom property, that's not part of DisplayObject itself. Therefore, you could call MainMovie.init() like so:
var swf:MovieClip = MovieClip(swfLoader.content);
Hope that helps.