I'm creating an Address Book program using array. I've done with the add and print data option. But now I'm stuck with the search/update option. This is my code in searching for the element if it exist in my array or not.
public void update_data(){
String user_input_data;
int search_data = 0;
System.out.println("Enter the data that you want to search: ");
user_input_data = user_data.nextLine();
if(user_input_data == AddressBook_Array_name[search_data])
System.out.println("Data found!");
System.out.println("Data not found!");
But when I run the program. It always return to false and print the else statement. I don't know what's wrong with it. Anyway the data_recorded variable holds the number of data inputted by the user in the add option.
You need to use equals()
instead of ==
in java for comparision.
if (user_input_data.equals(AddressBook_Array_name[search_data]))
Also, instead of the while you may want to use the foreach loop (removes the need for search_data
for(String addressBookElem : AddressBook_Array_name) {
if (user_input_data.equals(addressBookElem)) {
System.out.println("Data found!");
System.out.println("Data not found!"); // reaches this statement if data not present