The Laravel documentation states that you can register a model server in a service provider, however it says nothing in the way of how that is done that I have seen. All of my searches through google have turned up nothing useful. I attempted to write some code like this:
namespace name;
use /path/to/ServiceProvider;
use path/to/UserObserver;
class UserObserverServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
public function boot(){
User::observe(new UserObserver);
public function register{}
which was the only suggestion that implied it should work I could find in my searches, however, it says the User class is not found when i attempt to run it. I tried to put a path to the User model, but it doesn't recognize the models directory as a path to anything...
hoping someone can help clear this up for me.
figured out that the names of the model classes were all that was needed to specify the path in the use command, it works now, I just had to specify
use User;