I have finally got around to upgrading my perforce server to 2014.
I had a single user Admin Licence, but didn't pay yearly upgrade as I though new free licence would suit me - 20 clients. I just removed the old licence file.
I didn't realise I had 29 clients.
I get this error message
C:\Program Files\Perforce\NewServer>p4d
Perforce server error:
Unlicensed server cannot start while over user/client quota.
Try deleting old clients with 'client -d'.
License count: 29 clients used of 20 licensed.
Is there a way I can select 29 clients to delete? obviously p4 client command won't connect as the server isnt running. Can I run that command against p4d
or something similar?
I will contact perforce support on Monday, but wondered if there was anything I could do myself.
I don't know if there is a solution to what I wanted to do, but this is how i solved it.
I had created a full backup of my perforce directory before upgrade.
from commandline, starting the perforce serverAll working now.