I am running Vagrant with 2 docker containers inside and it works fine when not on a corporate proxy but When I am on the corporate proxy and try to run vagrant up I keep getting :
dial tcp: lookup index.docker.io: no such host
I have the proxy set inside vagrant using
VAGRANT_HTTP_PROXY="http://proxy.example.com:8080/" vagrant up
I also cannot get it to resolve hosts using nslookup
within vagrant on the corporate proxy
I have tried including the following within the vagrantfile as suggested here:
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
I have also tried using a bridged connection, restarting the docker server as suggested here and swapping my DNS on my mac (which I saw suggested somewhere else but cannot find link)
I would really appreciate some help/direction, and in case its relavent I am running vargrant 1.6.5 on a macbook running OSX 10.9 with virtual box and this is my vagrant file:
$start = <<SCRIPT
#service docker stop
#HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy:8080/ docker -d &
service docker restart
#stop and remove any existing containers
docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
echo "Building from Dockerfiles"
# Build containers from Dockerfiles
docker build -t sapvagrant/web_app /var/local/app/webApp
docker build -t sapvagrant/node /var/local/app/nodeService
echo "Running & linking containers"
# Run and link the containers
docker run -d --name node myvagrant/node
docker run -d -P -p 49166:80 --name web --link node:db myvagrant/web_app
docker start node
docker start web
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf")
config.proxy.http = "http://proxy:8080/"
config.proxy.https = "http://proxy:8080/"
config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost,"
#config.vm.network :bridged
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
#vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"]
#vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
# Port Forwarding
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 49166, host: 3000
# Ubuntu
config.vm.box = "precise64"
# Install latest docker
config.vm.provision "docker"
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/var/local/app" #, type: "nfs"
config.vm.provision :shell, inline: "/etc/init.d/docker restart"
#config.vm.provision "shell", inline: $setup
config.vm.provision "shell", run: "always", inline: $start
It is not necessary to resolve names on the Internet because your proxy server resolves the names. But vagrant-proxyconf does not configure the proxy if no docker is installed. You have 2 ways to resolve this problem.
Vagrant docker provisioner cannot change configuration file. (eg. /etc/default/docker
, /etc/sysconfig/docker
You need to configure the proxy before provisioning with shell provisioner as follows.
# If you use RHEL write to /etc/sysconfig/docker
config_proxy = 'echo export http_proxy=$http_proxy >> /etc/default/docker'
inline: config_proxy)
config.vm.provision 'docker'
I simplified your Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-proxyconf')
config.proxy.http = 'http://proxy:8080/'
config.proxy.https = 'http://proxy:8080/'
config.proxy.no_proxy = 'localhost,'
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/var/local/app'
# Ubuntu
config.vm.box = 'precise64'
config.vm.box_url = 'http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box'
# If you use RHEL write to /etc/sysconfig/docker
config_proxy = 'echo export http_proxy=$http_proxy >> /etc/default/docker'
inline: config_proxy)
config.vm.provision 'docker' do |d|
d.build_image '/var/local/app/webApp', args: '-t sapvagrant/web_app'
d.build_image '/var/local/app/nodeService', args: '-t sapvagrant/node'
d.run 'sapvagrant/node', args: '--name node'
d.run 'sapvagrant/web_app', args: '-P -p 49166:80 --name web --link node:db'
Vagrant-proxyconf does not configure the proxy if no docker is installed. Vagrant-proxyconf configure the proxy if you use docker installed VM box.
You can find docker installed VM boxes on the ATLAS. I have found jess/ubuntu-precise-nginx-docker.
I simplified your Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|
if Vagrant.has_plugin?('vagrant-proxyconf')
config.proxy.http = 'http://proxy:8080/'
config.proxy.https = 'http://proxy:8080/'
config.proxy.no_proxy = 'localhost,'
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/var/local/app'
# Ubuntu
config.vm.box = 'jess/ubuntu-precise-nginx-docker'
config.vm.provision 'docker' do |d|
d.build_image '/var/local/app/webApp', args: '-t sapvagrant/web_app'
d.build_image '/var/local/app/nodeService', args: '-t sapvagrant/node'
d.run 'sapvagrant/node', args: '--name node'
d.run 'sapvagrant/web_app', args: '-P -p 49166:80 --name web --link node:db'