I'm working on a new app that I want to be universal for the iPhone and iPad. I started out with the "Create a Window-based app" wizard, and it created separate app delegates in "iPhone" and "iPad" groups. Since I already was quite familiar with iPhone dev, I did that part of my project, and now I'm ready to do some iPad stuff.
So... I started out by adding a UISplitViewController to my iPad delegate, switch the Active SDK to 3.2, and it works! But when I switch back to 3.1.3, and try to run it in the simulator, Build and Go fails. For starters, I see:
...path.../iPad/AppDelegate_Pad.h:13: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before 'UISplitViewController'
I've got my Base SDK set to 3.2 and my Deployment Target set to 3.1.3. I thought that was enough. But I also have found in the documentation this method to conditionally compile:
MyIPadViewController* vc;
// Create the iPad view controller
MyIPhoneViewController* vc;
// Create the iPhone view controller
So do I need to do this everywhere? It seems like an awful lot of code to add (that I'll be getting rid of in a short time for 4.0 anyway) so I feel like I must be doing something wrong. And, I don't even have any idea how this works for things like @property or @synthesize declarations.
tl;dr version of the question - did I miss a setting somewhere?
Quite the opposite. A universal app runs the same binary on iPhone and iPad so you cannot use conditional compilation to differentiate between the two version. But you need to use the macro Apple cites in the documentation:
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
// iPad-specific code
} else {
// iPhone-specific code