ok im trying to ajaxify my site and im having a major issue on the first page im working with raw ajax and using the responseText and on top of that there is a tree of files being used to use some functionality
first here is the problem file code
echo 'apple'; // this runs
// is not returning or executing this
echo 'apple'; // this does not run
$validate = new validate();
if(token::check(input::get('token'))) {
$validation = $validate->check($_POST, array(
'title' => array(
'required' => true
'message' => array(
'required' => true
if ($validation->passed()) {
#create the post
$db_instance = DB::getInstance();
#check the value of private before submitting as there is an error there
$private = 0;
$private = 1;
'user_id' => $user->data()->id,
'title' => $_POST['title'],
'message' => $_POST['message'],
'private' => $private
echo'updated the site activity';
foreach ($validation->errors() as $error) {
echo '<br>';
echo $error, '<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '<p>error</p>';
continuing this file is in an include tree like index->updateFeed->ajaxScript(has been run)->thiscode
if anyone can explain without jquery and using a similar structure what is going wrong id be great ful
// lets us redirect using headers even if headers have already been sent out
// config
$GLOBALS['config'] = array(
'mysql' => array(
'host' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'username' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'password' => 'XXXXXXXXXXXXX',
'remember' => array(
'cookie_name' => 'wpd_remember_cookie',
'cookie_expiry' => 2628000
'session' => array(
'session_name' => 'user',
'token_name' => 'CSRF_token'
// auto-load classes
require_once ('classes/' . $class . '.php');
require_once ('functions/sanitize.php');
require('functions/Gravatar.php'); //used for the gravatar
//check if the user is logged in by tokens and if not don't log the user in other wise log them in
if(cookie::exists(config::get('remember/cookie_name')) && !session::exists(config::get('session/session_name'))){
$hash = cookie::get(config::get('remember/cookie_name'));
$hashCheck = DB::getInstance()->get('users_session', array('hash', '=', $hash ));
$user = new user ($hashCheck->first()->user_id);
there was something i overlooked and have patched temporarily which is the init file doesn't work when its included 1 level deeper or any amounts of levels deeper