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GMSIndoorDisplay: How to force the change to an specific floor

I am using the GMSIndoorDisplay Class of Google Maps. I can setup a view with a default floor. The user can change the floor by pressing any floor in the list of floors. Is there a way to programatically force the change of floor on an existing loaded ViewController?


  • I found a way to do it. By saving the current building object we can change the active level of GMSIndoorDisplay and then force a call to the delegate:

    - (void) didChangeActiveBuilding:       (GMSIndoorBuilding *)   building    [optional]

    This way, the following delegates will be triggered automatically: - (void) didChangeActiveBuilding: (GMSIndoorBuilding *) building [optional]

    - (void) didChangeActiveLevel:      (GMSIndoorLevel *)  level   [optional]