XmlWorker does not recognize border-bottom on table cell.
This is my code:
<th style="width: 20%; height: 40px; vertical-align: top; border-bottom: 1px solid gray">Your name</th>
<td style="width: 80%; border-bottom: 1px solid gray"></td>
<th style="height: 40px; vertical-align: top; border-bottom: 1px solid gray">Your lastname</th>
<td style="border-bottom: 1px solid gray"></td>
I'm testing using this official tool:
(Click "html" button, under "font size", and paste code)
I'm also testing using iTextSharp + MvcRazorToPdf (two C# libraries).
How can I get the border-bottom to work?
Acording to this compatibility summary: http://demo.itextsupport.com/xmlworker/itextdoc/CSS-conformance-list.htm, the css property border-bottom
should work fine with the html element td
XMLWorker does not support for shorthand CSS properties in case side specific border styles. The global property "border" should be supported. It looks like a typo in the conformance list.
Please use the property full names instead:
<td style="... border-bottom-width: 1px; border-bottom-style: solid; border-bottom-color: gray" ...>