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Converting non-delimited text into name/value pairs in Delphi

I've got a text file that arrives at my application as many lines of the following form:

<row amount="192.00" store="10" transaction_date="2009-10-22T12:08:49.640"
 comp_name="blah                                            " 
 name="Accrington                                                  "/>

and I'd like to turn this 'row' into a series of name/value pairs in a given TStringList (there could be dozens of these <row>s in the file, so eventually I will want to iterate through the file breaking each row into name/value pairs in turn).

The problem I've got is that the data isn't obviously delimited (technically, I suppose it's space delimited). Now if it wasn't for the fact that some of the values contain leading or trailing spaces, I could probably make a few reasonable assumptions and code something to break a row up based on spaces. But as the values themselves may or may not contain spaces, I don't see an obvious way to do this. Delphi' TStringList.CommaText doesn't help, and I've tried playing around with Delimiter but I get caught-out by the spaces inside the values each time.

Does anyone have a clever Delphi technique for turning the sample above into something resembling this? ;

comp_name="blah                                            " 
name="Accrington                                                  "

Unfortunately, as is usually the case with this kind of thing, I don't have any control over the format of the data to begin with - I can't go back and 'make' it comma delimited at source, for instance. Although I guess I could probably write some code to turn it into comma delimited - would rather find a nice way to work with what I have though.

This would be in Delphi 2007, if it makes any difference.


  • procedure RowToStrings(const row: string; list: TStrings);
      i       : integer;
      iDelim  : integer;
      inQuotes: boolean;
      iDelim := 0;
      inQuotes := false;
      for i := 1 to Length(row) do begin
        if (row[i] = ' ') and (not inQuotes) then begin
          list.Add(Copy(row, iDelim+1, i-iDelim-1));
          iDelim := i;
        else if row[i] = '"' then
          inQuotes := not inQuotes;
      list.Add(Copy(row, iDelim+1, Length(row)-iDelim));
    procedure TForm37.Test;
      row: string;
      row := 'amount="192.00" store="10" transaction_date="2009-10-22T12:08:49.640" ' +
             'comp_name="blah                                            " '          +
             'comp_ref="C65551253E7A4589A54D7CCD468D8AFA" '                           +
             'name="Accrington                                                  "';
      RowToStrings(row, ListBox1.Items);