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Reseting variables and editing arrays with AngularJS

I'm building an app using AngularJS and LocalStorage. I've run into a problem that it's a tad too complex for me.

I have a list of people, and the idea is to be able to add arrays of names. I choose X names, click add, creates an object in an array, it resets the list, and I can start over, choose X names, click add, etc.

Here's how I create the temporary array that then I push into LocalStorage:


  <div class="col-md-3" ng-repeat="staff in stafflist | orderBy: 'name'">
    <button class="btn form-control" ng-show="!staff.chosen" ng-click="pushStaff(staff)">{{}}</button>
    <button class="btn btn-primary form-control" ng-show="staff.chosen" ng-click="unpushStaff(staff)">{{}}</button>
  <button class="btn ng-click="addRecord()">Add passangers</button>


$scope.paxlist = [];
$scope.pushStaff = function (staff) {
    staff.chosen = true;

$scope.unpushStaff = function (staff) {
    staff.chosen = false;

    var index=$scope.paxlist.indexOf(staff)

My problem is that I can create objects into the array, but when I add an object, the selected items of the list of names won't reset, so they will be pre-selected when adding the next object. At the same time, it will also stay linked to the last object added, so when I modify the selection, the last object will also get modified.

This also messes with the possibility of adding an editing capability for each object of the array.

I've created a Plnkr that illustrates the issue.

If you could shed some light on the issue, that would be brilliant.


  • In addRecord you need reset property chosen

    $scope.addRecord = function () {
        $scope.recordlist.push({ pax: angular.copy($scope.paxlist) });
        $scope.editItem = false;
        $scope.paxlist  = [];
        $scope.stafflist.forEach(function (el) {
          el.chosen = false;
